One of my pet peeves.... is something I am going to extend from my buddy Darren's blog from July 12th (never returning your calls) "people who don’t return your messages, or say they will call and never do."
I make it an effort to return your call if I missed it. So to extend this peeve into the cyber age... "people who dont return or acknowledge your emails". People have enough time to always check their Myspace pages...or Facebook...but never enough time to even respond to a simple email or acknowledge their receipt. If you ever ordered something online, and have sent an email on the status of your order, you would like a prompt response correct? So why not return that favor and respond to your emails or acknowledge them. A simple answer goes a long way.
Anyways, enough ranting, my good friend Darren has found a pair of Air Max Chili reissues for me:

I will get pics of this when I pick them up from Darren.
In other news...more ranting.... I hate hot weather. Seems all this week, temperatures will reach close to 90 degrees near the bay. I start whining when it gets to 80 degrees. Anything higher, I get annoying. Luckily I have invested in a portable a/c unit. Time to blast it once again.