Tuesday, April 29, 2008

GTA4 (Grand Theft Auto 4)

I usually never put pre-orders in for a video game. I'd have to say that today was the first time I've ever done that. Went to the local GameStop to put in my $5 pre-order for the next installment of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto 4 for my XBOX.360. If you haven't seen or heard about this game, I suggest you google it. Contralversial to most, but just another fun video game for me. I've had the older GTA: Vice City for the Playstation 2. Spent numerous hours getting sidetracked from the missions and finding myself going around town listening to 80's music and blowing up stuff and doing random shootings.

The first GameStop I went to wont take my hard earned $5 pre order. They told me they've stopped and suggested me to go to the mall. Interesting... but I went to the mall anyways. The GameStop there didn't hestitate to take my pre-order. My copy is waiting for me after work tomorrow. I haven't read or seen any previews for this game yet. From what I've seen and played in previous titles...I'm sure it won't be dissappointing.

On a side note, I usually don't go to GameStop as they usually always sell at retail. My first choice would be to hit up Fry's Electronics or Best Buy as they usually have sales on launch dates. I had a $25 gift card...which made me step foot inside the local GameStop. The sales rep invited me to join them at the midnight launch of this game. I declined. I need my sleep for another day at work. I can already see myself playing through the night tomorrow.

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