Spent Saturday sleeping in, running errands. It was way too hot to do much. No A/C at the house, I was suffering. Temperature inside the house got up to 85 degrees. No fan was working as it was only blowing hot air. I didn't get to sleep well at all. Kept waking up in sweat. I hate summer.
Went to my former roomates daugher's bday party on Sunday at noon. I can't believe I've seen his daughter from a few days old to turning 11 years old. Kids grow up so fast. Left around 130 to head over to SF for the free concert at Golden Gate Park. Concert was held by Alice Radio (97.3 FM).
Alice Summerthing included performances by:
Marie Digby
Ingrid Michaelson
I think there was 2 other artists, but didn't know who they were. I was bummed to miss Marie Digby and Ingrid Michaelson. LifeHouse was pretty good live. All good though, I was with good company :)

After the show, drove back east to meet up with another friend's birthday gathering. Got me thinking of getting a PS3 soon to play online with everyone. Somehow everyone ended up with a PS3. Im all alone with my Xbox. .....hahaha.