...so many things to look at, so little time. Comic Con was way too crowded on Saturday. Shoulder to shoulder traffic got really annoying at times. Here's a few highlights for me:
Cosplayers....lots of them. Especially Star Wars. I believe these guys are in the 501st Legion. More info at www.501stlegion.org. Recruits for this organization is hard as your costume has to be movie quality before you get initiated. These are the elite of the elite of the Star Wars nerds. I bow down...as I hope to join th 501st Legion someday. ....someday...hahaha.

Figures.... lots of. I wish I had space and money for all of them.
Here is the lifesize Jedi's from the new upcoming Clone Wars movie.

Mighty Muggs. I am currently collecting Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Now that they released Transformers and GI JOE, I want to cry.

Life sized Iron Monger!!!!!! BADASSSSSS

..cant have a lifesized Iron Monger without a lifesized Iron Man.

Figures from Good Smile Company Japan. A few from the Melonchaly of Haruhi Suzimiya anime. One of my faves:

a really cool figure. Don't know where it came from.

another nice one from Good Smile

ummm.....not sure what to say about this one. hahahahaha

...along with the exhibition hall, I went to check some of the Panels also. A few that I checked out are the Innovative Directors Panel, Kevin Smith Panel, Lost Panel and Terminator Salvation Panel. Some of these panels I stood in line for about a good hour and half just to get in. All located in Hall H, these panels are nuts. I would definitely recommend seeing Hall H panels if you ever decide to visit Comic Con.
Innovative directors panel. Kevin Smith (Dogma, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, etc.), Judd Apatow (40 year old virgin, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked Up, Step Brothers, Superbad), Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300), and Frank Miller (Sin City, The Spirit).

The great Kevin Smith. Very funny and down to earth guy.

Seth Rogan!!!! He's starring in Kevin Smith's new movie coming soon...

Lost's producers with special guest Matthew Fox (Jack)

Terminator Salvation cast (minus Christan Bale). They showed an exclusive trailer...and it looks awesome.

Common....from the cast of Terminator Salvation.

Besides seeing the celebrities at the Panels... you can spot a few in the exhibition halls as well. John Cho and Kal Penn from Harold and Kumar...

Robert Smigel, the man behind SNL's TV Funhouse and my favorite.... Triumph the Comic Insult Dog!!!!

Comic Con will see me in future events. It feeds my nerdiness and pop culture fix. Although, I dont think I'll ever be driving down again. Flying is so much faster and easier. I flew back up Saturday night to get ready for the Weksos Meet the next morning. I am still recoving from exhaustion to this day. More in future blogs.