I always wonder if we do make a decision that is not destined...does life find a way to course correct and put you back on track. Part of me thinks everything happens for a reason, and let it be as it will turn out all right in the end. The other part of me thinks it is a stupid excuse to put blame on the mistakes or bad decisions we make to help us feel better. Who knows. I think I am thinking or pondering too hard in traffic. Or I am watching too much "LOST" as I am catching up on the DVD sets. LOST is actually telling a story about destiny and fate amongst other things. ( I dont want to give out any spoilers in case anybody hasn't seen it and plans to watch it)

I highly recommend the LOST series, it isn't a Gilligan's Island type deal...and is not even close. Anyways.... I think I'm pondering too hard right now. I'm feeling for a nice cold 1554 Black Ale pint of beer right now.
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